Alcohol & Other Drug Use
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Alcohol and The College Experience
Al-Anon ( for family members or persons w/ drug or alcohol problems)
Self Help Resources for Anxiety
Social Anxiety
Please Note: This internet site is used as a service to the client community. It is intended as a resource to inform and to educate. Included are direct links to other internet sites that may be helpful. However, this does not imply that all the information is endorsed at each of these sites. Furthermore, while continuously working to monitor and update these listings on a regular basis, The BEYOU Project’s services can not make any claims or assume any responsibility as to the reliability or functionality of the internet addresses (URL’s) provided or the information contained at these sites.
Readers are encouraged to evaluate the materials and to use what they find to be helpful. Information provided in my web page and at other internet sites are not intended as a substitute for assistance from a qualified mental health professional. For personal assistance, please schedule your free consult on the scheduling page.
Depression: National Institute of Mental Health
Depression and College Students
Combating Depression with Gratitude
Body Image
HIV/AIDS Support
Post-Traumatic Stress
National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Fact sheet for post-traumatic stress